Onto the next stage of the adventure — Ushuaia, the town at the bottom of South America. Not so many flights so I elected to take the bus. Yup. The bus.
And no, chickens on laps or goats on roof weren’t part of the journey. “Luxury” long-distance buses are a thing in Chile and Argentina.
Though yes, my ride did include the joys of whining/crying children, a seat-mate who enjoyed TikTok videos without the benefit of earbuds, and people putting their chairs back (check out the space between my legs and the seat back). I found it kinda funny… I’m thinking the accumulation of awe from the trek gave me perspective and good humour. Who knows.
My first stop was in Puerto Arenas which is on the Strait of Magellan (!!!!). Remember that from geography class? I do which had me super excited to be there.
Lucky-for-me it’s in Chile because a weather warning for high winds and rain had closed the Chilean border with Argentina. And yes it did get windy.
Next day, a 10-hour bus trip to Ushuaia.
This time with more leg-room, no children, and a lovely seat-mate who’s travelled the world. Yay! We crossed the mouth of the Strait of Magellan, seeing where the Atlantic and Pacific oceans come together (for whatever reason I find that fascinating), and onto Tierra del Fuego. Another shout-out to primary school geography class.
The geography surprised me — it looked a lot like Alberta and BC (I was reminded of the road between Port Alberni & Ucluelet), and my German seatmate said the same thing about familiarity. After some googling we realized the latitude was similar (just south versus north). The things I’m learning on this trip. 🙂
And now, Ushuaia is putting on a show as I prepare for boarding the ship tomorrow for… Antarctica!!!!
Could this be my ship? In the rainbow???!!!!
Stay tuned.
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