Compassionate Leadership in seniors Care

Compassionate Leadership

Being compassionate is a core leadership competency.

Here’s what I mean.

Suffering at work is a hidden cost to human capability. Before COVID there was a lot of silent suffering in Seniors Care. Now, it’s not so silent. People are tired, scared and more than a little cranky.

Ignoring that suffering is a risky strategy.

Compassion triggers the biology of courage, creates hope, and deeply bonds us with others. And research tells us those bonds are a competitive advantage for attracting and keeping great staff, and for your bottom line.

Not sure how to be a Compassionate Leader? You’re not alone.

When researchers surveyed more than 1,000 leaders from 800 organizations, 91% of them said compassion is very important for their leadership and 80% said they would like to enhance their compassion but don’t know how.

Feel the same way?
Not sure how to find the space for Compassionate Leadership with a to-do list and work day that’s already too long?

We can help.

The Core Competencies of Compassionate Leadership

Our programs help you master the core competencies of Compassionate Leadership.

  • Mindfulness so you can be present to what’s happening, regardless of what’s happened before or what’s next.
  • Emotional Intelligence so you’re aware of your strengths and triggers, know how to get back on track, and read what’s happening with others.
  • Compassionate Communication including directly, and kindly, having those difficult conversations.
  • Building strong teams so they have each others’ back. No, they may not be best friends. And you skillfully foster an environment of trust where team members are vulnerable, ask questions, and own up to mistakes for the sake of everybody’s learning.
  • Strategic thinking and Change Leadership … so change actually happens.

Not only will you expand your capacity to lead with compassion, you’ll also learn how to lead for compassion so your building becomes a place of joy, connection and meaning for residents, family members, and staff.

The Business Case for Compassion

COVID has exposed how essential Compassionate Leadership is and we’ve been busy the past few months helping organizations grow their leaders’ capacity.

Studies by Stanford researcher Dr. Monica Worline and others on the impact of Compassionate Leadership report…

  • A compassionate work environment is a major driver of employee commitment and retention. Labor shortages and through-the-roof turn-over rates were a big deal BC (before COVID). Now? Sheesh.
  • Engagement scores in compassionate work environments trend significantly higher across huge populations.
  • Every quality measure researchers have studied jumps when people feel, “I work in a place where my colleagues are compassionate to me.”
  • Finally, companies that invest in creating a more compassionate work environment become more profitable . . . especially in the wake of downturns and economic jolts (i.e. now).

Crazy, right?

Who knew being kind, compassionate and caring not only feels right, but also reflects effective leadership in action and makes sound business sense.

What’s included in the Compassionate Leadership program

Conduit Coaching’s Compassionate Leadership programs draw on leading research in the topic area and use the best of adult learning principles so your community can sustain personal and cultural change.

  • Training on the key skills that expand your Compassionate Leadership capacity.
  • All program participants receive a private and confidential kick-off telephone coaching conversation to pinpoint the goal that will make the biggest difference in their leadership.
  • Self-assessments on each of the core competencies of Compassionate Leadership so participants learn about themselves – their style, strengths, and how they get in their own way. Before you change anything you’ll prioritize your growth edges for each competency area and develop an improvement plan that builds on your talents.
  • Peer support for accountability, support and practice of the core skills.
  • Twice-monthly private and confidential one-on-one Leadership Coaching for up to three leaders, for the duration of the program.

Select which of the three program options works best for you and your team.

What works for you and your team.

All three options are virtual. What’s different is the depth and breadth we go into, and the amount of support you want.


Ten-month program including the full Search Inside Yourself program delivered virtually over 6-8 weeks (your option for timing) + 28-day follow-on program + all the Gold components of the Compassionate Leadership program.


Eight-month program including Mindfulness Training for your leaders and staff + support to develop an ongoing in-community Meditation Group + 6 months of virtual training using a combination of twice-monthly group Zoom calls and access to pod-casts participants can listen to at their convenience – anytime, anywhere.


Six-month program including virtual training using a combination of twice-monthly group Zoom calls and access to pod-casts participants can listen to at their convenience – anytime, anywhere.

Nothing’s a panacea and…

No. Compassionate Leadership doesn’t fix all that ails the world of Seniors Care.

But it does open space to consider others’ perspectives, have difficult conversations with grace and honesty, and move forward.

We’re talking about more than simply “being nice” or “everybody just getting along.”

Compassionate Leadership creates an environment where empathy resides, so spontaneous acts of compassion arise naturally—between staff and residents, and staff with each other.

What you get from our programs

  • Personal experience of a psychologically safe environment, and the insight and tools to create that kind of environment for your own teams. People who feel compassion demonstrate higher levels of helping behavior, moral reasoning, connectedness, and stronger interpersonal relationships.
  • Increased confidence in yourself and others. Researchers found high levels of compassion inspired higher levels of trust between team members, who were then more likely to share important information with peers both on and off their team.
  • More personal resilience. Working in Seniors Care isn’t easy. There’s plenty of hardship and suffering. Being able to bounce back with grace and confidence makes your life easier, and inspires and influences your team to be able to do the same.
  • Increased Emotional Intelligence which research confirms improves your performance, leadership, and your well-being. In a survey of over 1,000 business leaders across more than 800 organizations, leaders who exhibited (or were perceived by the team to exhibit) high levels of compassion had teams who scored higher on critical performance dynamics within their organizations

Where Great Care starts

A US poll found more than 80% of recently hospitalized patients said compassionate care makes a life-or-death difference in their medical treatment. I don’t think residents in your communities are any different.

Real care of your residents doesn’t begin with costly procedures or even fancy new buildings, but instead with simple gifts of affection, love and concern.

Compassionate Leadership is about creating a compassionate culture for staff and residents. Compassionate cultures are resident-centered cultures.

Compassion keeps everybody present to your business’ core purpose… caring for residents.

Not for wusses

Compassionate Leadership isn’t easy.

It means being taking risks and being vulnerable, especially when you’re confronted with a challenging relationship … or when somebody’s ideas or values differ from your own.

And it requires you have the wherewithal to take a pause when you feel overwhelmed so you choose your response (and bring out the best in yourself, and those around you) versus auto-pilot react.

Leadership isn’t for wusses. It’s hard. That’s why when people say compassionate is soft I ask them how compassion shows up with people they don’t like so much. Or when they have to deliver tough messages, like firing somebody.

Compassion is an intrinsic human quality. Our Compassionate Leadership programs help ensure that quality gets to thrive at work.

Why our programs work

Compassion isn’t a new idea, but directing it to your staff and between them, may be. Especially with all of the stressors of leading in Seniors Care during this unprecedented time.

Our programs are engaging, and they’re fun. Really.

We ensure participants get the “goldilocks” just-right amount of learning, and that it’s the best and most relevant information for Seniors Care.

And we use the best of adult learning principles so you and your team are in the “learning zone” – that sweet spot where participants are motivated, accountable, and there’s a high level of psychological safety.

Reach out for a 15-minute conversation if you’re curious to learn more about how Compassionate Leadership can fit your organization.


604 873 0350


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