Leadership Coaching

Turn Barriers Into Bridges

You move fast and get a lot done.

We salute you.

But – here’s the million dollar question – when do you pause and realign?

My experience with Mary Ellen was outstanding. I would definitely recommend Mary Ellen to anyone looking for a personal coach, looking to develop their potential or looking to excel…
Brett Hodson

President & CEO, Corix

Leading Can feel Lonely

You deal with the important and not-so-easy … people management, strategic planning, leading a growing organization.

Oh right, and then there’s that work-life balance thing.

Sometimes you just need to bounce ideas around – and Siri or Google aren’t always great listeners – while board members, staff, friends, and family are great but it isn’t always appropriate to sound off to them.

Conduit Coaching is the place to “talk it out”. There’s no right or wrong. There’s no judgement. You get to discuss business and  personal challenges with someone who listens and gets it.

This is the place you can:

  • Speak honestly about what’s happening for you personally.
  • Have somebody question your thought processes, beliefs, and assumptions … without making you wrong.
  • Become aware of your blind spots.
  • Think out loud without self-censoring.
  • Learn how to be calm regardless of what’s happening around you.
  • Lighten up and not take yourself so seriously.

Calm In The Midst of Life

Your full life doesn’t always leave you space to think through the “next steps” of important decisions, or envision the big picture.

Yes, of course being in Hawaii with the waves lapping onto your toes would be grand.

But what if you could get that calm of a warm sandy beach anytime you wanted? Really.

What if, no matter how chaotic things were, no matter how ugly the meeting became, you could align yourself and bring your mind into a place of calm – without wearing yoga pants.

That’s being in “the zone” … and Conduit Coaching will show you how to get there.

Leadership Coaching with Conduit Coaching helps you hit your stride and find your zone by developing:

  • Tools to re-energize your confidence, alleviate self doubt, and reduce anxiety … in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.
  • Techniques to gracefully manage competing responsibilities and challenging goals.
  • A vision for yourself and your organization so you can make quicker, more effective decisions.
  • Awareness of your natural strengths and the ability to access them whenever you want.
  • Relationship building skills to create an atmosphere that unites staff to achieve goals.

For More Information on Coaching

Contact Mary Ellen to discuss how Leadership Coaching can help.

It’s really easier to demonstrate so we’ll likely schedule a complimentary call to give you a sense of what coaching can be for you.


604 873 0350


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