Welcome to your Positivity Adventure!

Where Joy Meets Practicality

How’s that “don’t worry, be happy” post-it on your monitor working out for you? And really, what does be happy even mean?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good idea. After all, research shows positivity is linked to better mental and physical health, and productivity. Achieving it, though? Ah, there’s the rub.

That’s why joining Your Positivity Adventure is an even better idea.

Positivity isn’t just about feeling good. It’s about transforming how you think and react – being more creative, resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges. (Not to mention the ripple effects, like having more friends cuz you’re less cranky!)

And boosting positivity isn’t about plastering on a smile and chanting “life is good” while your car gets towed/you accidentally delete your shared project/your dog starts howling during your Zoom meeting/you get the drift.

What it IS about is being real and heart-felt, which requires time and effort. That’s where Your Positivity Adventure comes in.

We learn and change habits over time. So let these 12 messages over the next 12 months serve as beacons illuminating paths to positivity in your whirl-wind world. (Whoa, that’s poetic!)

Backed by the latest and greatest in neuroscience and positive psychology research and real-life wisdom, and delivered every month, we promise they’ll be:

  • short (four-minute reads, tops)
  • friendly and fun (well, we think they’re fun)
  • informative (bursting with positivity-boosting ideas)

No tedious to-do lists here. Just quick, effective tips to help you bring more of your better self, no matter what’s happening around you.

Positivity. It’s a skill, which means we can improve. (Thank goodness!)

An optimism odyssey? Yes, please! Let the adventure begin.


604 873 0350

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