Seniors Care Leadership Academy


Conduit Coaching Seniors Care Leadership Academy

Leading in Seniors Care was tough before COVID.

Now? Yeesh.

COVID fatigue, staff shortages, and overall confusion about how best to navigate this crazy world. Etc. Etc.

It’s a lot. Too much even.

We can help.

Your customized Seniors Care Leadership Academy:

  • Recharges your leaders & Expands their capacity to do the same with their teams
  • Boosts connection and collaboration
  • Lifts the quality of workplace conversations & Cultivates your organization’s potential.

Academy Advantages

We craft the Academy content and discussions for your leaders to support the culture you want to create. Strategic, person centered, more customer service oriented, for instance.

Your managers grow their capacity to lead with compassion in a way that inspires, not exhausts them. Which means, they can bring their best to the task of bringing out the best in others.

The Leadership Academy equips your leaders with powerful ideas and proven tools to:

  • Rebuild and flourish even if they’re feeling exhausted
  • Be compassionately assertive (aka Radical Candor)
  • Delegate with care and respect
  • Build a strong team

The Leadership Academy is a fit for all your leaders, including:

  • Administrators / General Managers
  • Directors of Care / Directors of Nursing / Resident Care Directors
  • Activity / Engagement Directors
  • Food Service / Dining Managers
  • Support Services / Environmental / Housekeeping Managers
  • Therapy Managers
  • Compliance Specialists

Why does it work so well?

Because we draw on the best adult-learning principles to take your Academy members into The Learning Zone – a sweet spot where they feel safe, motivated and accountable.

Safety first

The best learning experiences include brainstorming, asking questions, expressing concerns and admitting mistakes. Psychological safety makes that kind of vulnerability possible.

It’s not magic. We’ve mastered the art and science of creating psychological safety, so your leaders can bring their best selves (and worst challenges) to every call, whether private coaching or group discussions.

Bottom line: Your Academy members can count on honest and kind support as they take action to achieve their leadership goals—while learning the what and how of creating psychological safety for their own teams.


We make sure your Academy members feel motivated to learn.

  • They’re ready. Our pre-program readiness assessment and application process selects participants committed to investing the time and effort their professional development deserves.
  • We all agree on where we’re going. We get on the phone with each Academy member in a confidential 1:1 coaching conversation to identify their own leadership goal, one that’s personally meaningful, a high-leverage growth opportunity, and behaviourally specific (Think: expanded capacity to delegate with respect and care).
  • Everyone has the road map to get there. We meet with the Academy sponsor to identify common themes among your members’ goals, identify resonant leadership principles sure to make a difference in members’ work performance, and create a plan customized for your organization.
  • We chunk it down to make the work easy. Every month The Academy focuses on a different leadership principle. Each module includes:
    • A self-assessment
    • Two brief audio emails and worksheets.
    • Twice-a-month Open-Mic Zoom calls (scheduled to fit your calendar) to deepen understanding and identify connections to each member’s personal leadership goals.

Accountability starts with the managers.

  • Your Academy members know their boss believes in them. We include managers in a 45-minute Academy Kick-off call to make sure they’re ready to commit the time and support their team members need to grow their potential.
  • Their boss walks the talk. We ask managers—in the kick-off call and bonus booster training—to ensure their member’s leadership goal aligns with performance objectives. And we encourage monthly check-ins.


We hold Academy members accountable.

They commit every time. At the end of every Open-Mic call, we ask Academy members to commit to how they plan to experiment with that month’s leadership principle.

And yes, we follow up on those commitments at the beginning of the next call.

Is the Leadership Academy a fit for your organization?

Here’s something we’ve noticed over our 15 years working with Seniors Care organizations, especially since COVID. Those who get the most value from The Leadership Academy have senior leaders who:

  • Prioritize high-quality resident care
  • Focus on people and they trust the $/ROI will follow
  • Commit and act to develop themselves and their leadership team
  • Want training to stick

Which just happen to be our goals. Yup, a match made in heaven.

  • We teach what works. Academy teachings come from the best of leading-edge research, validated by our umpteen years supporting leaders and teams in Seniors Care. To be honest, the best insights often come from participants—and we make it easy for them to share.
  • We value your time. Developing Compassionate Leadership makes a big difference but takes time. Our unique learning approach borrows techniques from neuroscience to quickly apply the learning on the job. That way, everyone can see and celebrate their progress. Nice!
  • Our training sticks. We draw on the best of adult-learning principles to create The Learning Zone—that sweet spot where participants feel safe, motivated and accountable.
  • We add value. Just ask our clients .

What You Can Count On

  • At Conduit Coaching, we use the coach approach in all our work. Which means we’re in this with you.
  • No hocus-pocus. Academy teachings come from the best of leading-edge research, validated over our 15 years supporting Seniors Care leaders and teams.
  • We help you find practical solutions to complex problems.
  • We care. Really. We’ve been supporting Seniors Care leaders and teams since 2006. Why? Because we believe in the value of what you do.

We’d love to support you bringing the best from your leaders to help them bring the best from your staff.

Contact us to get to know us better.

Have more questions? Excellent. We’ve got answers!

Mary Ellen Sanajko is an intuitive and enthusiastic coach who creates space for leaders to bring their whole selves and make powerful discoveries.

At The Arbor Company leaders who have completed her Leadership Academies have grown professionally and personally from the experience.

We consider her a vital partner in our work.

Mary-Campbell Jenkins

Executive Vice President, The Arbor Company


604 873 0350


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