Search Inside Yourself

Search Inside Yourself

Born at Google. Based on Brain-Science.

From my umpteen years supporting leaders and teams I’ve seen the importance of Emotional Intelligence. And I’ve personally experienced the benefits of Mindfulness.

I’ve shared the ideas in bits and pieces … but didn’t have the expertise (or will) to create something from scratch that could draw on all the excellent resources and research that’s out there.

And then I discovered the Search Inside Yourself program.

Backed by world experts in neuroscience, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence, Search Inside Yourself has already changed thousands of lives.

With the onset of COVID-19 we shifted how we deliver the program to a LIVE Virtual Format.

We’ve taught it several times and it’s marvelous.

Delivered over six 2 1/2- hour sessions that, unlike many zoom experiences, are engaging and interactive (recent participants of the virtual program have said “The teachers keep it engaging, not just boring talk. They laugh and joke and have fun.” and I feel so much better after our classes!”).

Designed for adult learners, this live virtual course combines video calls and independent learning assignments that prepare you to integrate new tools and discoveries into your everyday life, right away.

You’ll meet our teacher team and your classmates, and work together with full video, audio and interactive functionality, including chat and breakout conversations.

Curious to learn more? Great!

View the SIY Sneak Peek recording. You’ll learn all about emotional intelligence, mindfulness (including two of the program’s simple yet impactful practices aimed at immediate application in your daily life), and the core principles of SIY.

Curious to learn more about SIY?


  • It’s been piloted at Google for years (taught to a bunch of skeptical engineers) and is their the most popular internal program (more than 30,000 Googlers have taken it). So it’s fantastic content presented well.
  • Daniel Goleman (the guy who popularized Emotional Intelligence), Jon Kabat-Zinn (of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction fame), and Philippe Goldin (a clinical neuroscientist from Stanford) all advised in creating the SIY program. So it’s real stuff based in real science.
  • Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI) is a separate organization that keeps on top of the research so you can be sure the content continues to be leading edge and relevant.

I was fortunate to have successfully completed SIYLI’s rigorous certification process and study of neuroscience, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and leadership. Yay! It was a difficult, mind-blowing, life-changing 10-months.

And now I’m honored to be among the first certified Search Inside Yourself teachers in Canada. I know, pretty fancy, right?


Search Inside Yourself (SIY) is appropriate for staff and leaders. It’s excellent for subject-matter experts (i.e. clinicians, engineers, accountants, lawyers) and also for those needing to lead others (and don’t find that part so fulfilling).

The in-person program is delivered in either a two day or 4 half-day format.

The virtual program is delivered in six sessions, each 2-1/2 hours long.

Pre and post assessments are an integral part of all full SIY programs. And all programs are facilitated by one or two certified teachers.

To support participants to fully integrate the course content, the program is about 1/3 content and 2/3 experiential. It’s followed by a 28-day challenge. Participants are paired up with a buddy to encourage each other to continue their practices and exercises.

The program is officially brought to a close with a capstone seminar.

We’ve had great success delivering 60- and 90- minute keynotes based on the SIY program, and there’s also the possibility of half-day or one-day workshops. No, it’s not the full program. And these options are a great way to introduce the ideas.


The SIY program is firmly rooted in science. It’s only natural that the program is results orientated. And Google being Google, they’ve measured the results to confirm  yes, SIY is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

We’ve taught the virtual version to rave reviews. Here’s what 50 leaders reported recently when we wrapped up their in-company program . . .

All participants are asked to complete a survey before and after the program. Here’s the results.

Reduced Stress

Search Inside Yourself participants reported less emotional drain after the program.

Improved Leadership

Participants were better able to maintain calm and poise during challenges.

Enhanced Performance

Search Inside Yourself participants reported a greater ability to focus and be more effective.

Scientific Research

All of the content delivered within the SIY program is backed by science.

In addition to the results we see directly from the SIY program, the benefits of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence have been researched for many years.

improve relationships

Training in the Emotional Intelligence skill of compassion has been shown to reduce interpersonal stress and improve relationships (Singer 2016; Kok et al. 2013).

enhance leadership performance

Greater Emotional intelligence has been correlated with higher manager and leader performance (Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, & Boyle, 2006Rosete & Ciarrochi, 2005).

empower innovation

In a survey conducted by the Institute of Mindful Leadership, 93% of leaders reported that mindfulness training helped them create space for innovation, and nearly 70% said it helped them to think strategically (Institute for Mindful Leadership Survey).

Reach out for a 15-minute conversation if you’re curious to learn more about how Search Inside Yourself can help you and your leaders.

Search Inside Yourself ® and the SIY logos are trademarks of Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, used under license.


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