Values-based Visioning
Your organization has done some fantastic things for the people you serve. Yet you know that for sustained success, it’s time to take it to the next level and tackle some game-changing opportunities.
You want a goal worthy of visceral commitment that signals what your company stands for … and a concise statement that inspires confidence and team spirit.
We’re not talking about some watered down vision statement posted on your website.
It’s time to boldly step up and chisel the “why” behind your business’ efforts into a succinct, creative manifesto that resonates across departments, teams and projects, reflects your organization’s core values and builds palpable momentum.
How to get there?

Optimal Vision Workshop
Let me guess.
- You’ve had enough of boring strategic-planning sessions that everybody knows won’t really change anything.
- You wish the excitement of new plans could last longer than a week or two.
- You’d like to create the kind of change that really will move your organization forward.
That’s exactly why Conduit Coaching clients love Values-based Visioning. In these workshops (ranging from a half-day to a three-day retreat), you’ll see your organization – and where you want it to go – with fresh eyes. And you’ll design shorter, better road maps to get there.
What to Expect
- You and your colleagues will align around an inspiring big picture of where your organization is going.
- You’ll define next steps and an accountability structure to support you and your team as you set out to realize your shared vision.
- You’ll enjoy hands-on training in leadership and learn success secrets of high-performing teams, laying the foundation for working together with ease, trust, and confidence.
- You’ll gather insight into your organization’s strengths, and gain confidence in describing those qualities to prospects and clients.
A Scientific Approach
“The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths – for a purpose or a goal – in such a way that weaknesses become irrelevant.” Peter Drucker, Management Visionary
A ton of scientific research points to the power of starting new ventures from your strengths. A strength-based approach leads to bolder visions, and enables team members to more easily and quickly agree on what really matters.
In your Values-based Visioning workshops, we’ll first pinpoint your organization’s talents and successes to set the course for clarifying your Optimal Vision. We’ll continue working from these strengths throughout the session, enabling you to design a path that truly optimizes your organization’s potential.
Here’s what one recent participant had to say about Values-based Visioning and its impact on their business:
“I loved our half-day Strategic Visioning Session. It generated a new perspective on concerns and challenges our business is facing, gave us a new understanding of them, boosted our energy and inspired action. The whole session was about getting a different perspective on our business; we saw things we hadn’t seen before.
“The visualization was quite a break from how we usually conduct business, and I was surprised at how powerful it was. As business partners, it opened us up to a whole new kind of conversation that got us to the same point quickly and also got us brainstorming more freely.
“Becoming more aware of what our company does well was amazing and will make it much easier to describe the unique value we can provide when dealing with existing or prospective clients We tend to forget about the things we are good at and having them come out in the session re-affirmed them and seemed to make them more ‘real’.
“[This] session has sharpened our precision on where we’re heading as a business, how we present ourselves to prospects, and where to concentrate our energy.
Vision Boards: not just for Oprah
A forward-thinking leader who’d enjoyed success with this strategy in the past recently asked me to facilitate a vision-board workshop for her current leadership team.
In this half-day workshop, these participants saw their whole lives – and where they wanted them to go – with fresh eyes. And they designed shorter, better road maps to get them there.
Sound good? I can help you achieve similar results in a vision-board workshop customized just for you and your team.
Here’s what you can expect
- You and your colleagues will each create a vision board that’s personally meaningful and incorporates your WHOLE life, including work.
- You’ll design a plan for moving forward, one that you believe in and are committed to keeping.
- You’ll leave the workshop feeling jazzed, motivated by the possibilities, and ready to rev up the momentum to realize your vision.
- You’ll laugh and have fun, see each other in new ways, and feel more aligned and cohesive as a team.
Why bother with visioning?
Well, Oprah likes the concept of vision boards, so that’s a powerful endorsement. But there’s more to it than that. Scientific research has substantiated the power of visioning when coupled with concerted action.
In this workshop you’ll build a structure of support and accountability for taking those actions. You’ll also deepen connections and camaraderie with your colleagues – two key success factors in high-performance teams.
It’s a win-win-win … Participants leave with a personally inspiring vision and colleagues who can cheer them on to success. The team leader gains greater insight into what motivates team members. And the organization benefits from a more collegial team, poised for greater success.
What’s not to love?
For More Information on Visioning
Contact Mary Ellen to explore the possibilities of values-based visioning for your organization.