Welcome to your Positivity Adventure!

Hey, you’re here – delighted you joined us!

Years ago, I embarked on my own research-based positivity adventure and invited others to join me via monthly emails. I’ve now updated those positivity-boosting tips to include the latest scientific findings and nuggets I’ve learned along the way as a certified leadership coach and student of life.

And I’m thrilled to welcome you aboard!

The content presented on your year-long journey may vary – articles, checklists, audio, video – but you can count on it being snappy, scientifically grounded and immediately useful.

Starting today, and every four weeks after, expect emails with positivity-boosting ideas. Cuz positivity? Happiness? These are good things at work and in life.

FYI, the unsubscribe button at the bottom of every message is the off-ramp. But we hope you’ll cruise along with us and promise our destination is always good vibes.

Happy to have you and honoured to be alongside.

May the (positivity) force be with you,

… Mary Ellen (ME)

P.S. For more feel-good, fact-filled items, check out my recent blogs.


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