Recent Articles for Leadership in Continuing Care
Tired of taking things personally?
Why every ‘jerk move’ is NOT aimed at you + other leadership wisdom on how to stay cool, dodge drama, embrace empathy, and lead without emotional baggage.
4 Ways to Flow back into The Zone.
Flow isn’t some magical reality we stumble into or only experience on holiday. Research shows the essential prerequisites are all within our control, every day.
Social Isolation. It ain’t over. Yet.
Feeling isolated or alone didn’t go away when social distancing stopped. And that’s not good.
Safety First, the Psychological kind.
Though Psychological Safety sounds warm and cozy, it’s really about making hard things possible… like intellectual friction, learning and connection.
To fix? Or not to fix?
When someone asks for our help we’re enticed by the dopamine hit that comes with demonstrating our expertise and feeling useful. Of course. And not sustainable.
Is Compassionate Leadership Tough Enough?
It’s something I’ve been asked by sales managers who thought Compassionate Leadership was “too soft”. What they learned from research by Google (and me).