10 Tips for Compassion during COVID-19
Ideas from people way smarter than me to help leaders and organizations act with compassion, stability, trust, and hope for life and work after March 2020.
If resilience is bouncing back from adversity, organizations need it now more than ever.
Yes yes. Shore up leaders’ personal resilience – support them to develop the courage to act, the willingness to take responsibility for decisions regardless of outcome, and the ability to inspire trust and confidence. This can only help them expand their team’s ability to adapt and better manage change.
And. Emphasizing individual efforts without addressing system-based issues can leave people skeptical and resistant (i.e. “you’re implying I’m the problem”).
Building resilience is a shared responsibility between individuals and the organization.
Actually, COVID-era research suggests system-wide strategies may be more effective and long-lasting than individual strategies.
We talk about individual’s efforts as part of a broader organization-based strategy that addresses issues in the system and environment.
Ideas from people way smarter than me to help leaders and organizations act with compassion, stability, trust, and hope for life and work after March 2020.
The Gold-Medal Game Plans for Entrepreneurs or Managers can help you navigate the "next normal".